臺大佛學研究 Taiwan Journal of Buddhist Studies |
202012 (40期)期所有篇 |
- 據《大般若經‧第七會‧曼殊室利分》建構通向菩提道的愛情觀 Constructing a View on Love Leading to the Path to Enlightenment: Based on the 7th Assembly of the Sutras of the Perfection of Wisdom
- 近世禪宗清規中的金錢觀 Money in Early Modern Chinese Chan Buddhist Pure Rules
- 晚明《成唯識論》註釋傳統的重新建構──數位量化人文的視角 How Was the Commentarial Tradition of Cheng Weishi Lun Rebuilt in Late-Ming? The Quantitative Perspective of Digital Humanities
- 由智顗之「事一心、理一心」論聖嚴之「統一心、無心」──以常行三昧念佛方法為主數位量化人文的視角 From Zhiyi's''Concentration on Phenomena and Concentration on Principle in One Mind''to Investigate Shengyen's''United-mind''and''No-mind''