中國學術年刊 Studies in Sinology |
201809 (40秋季號期)期所有篇 |
- 王船山內丹思想研究──以〈遠遊〉註為核心的考察 A Study of the Neidan Theory of Wang Fuzhi: an Investigation on the Basis of the Notes to “Far-off Journey”
- 《四庫全書》謄錄書法風貌分類初探──以文淵閣本為主 Manuscript Calligraphy Styles of Siku Quanshu Based on Wenyuan Pavilion Version
- 隱沒的才子佳人──崑劇《西廂記》折子戲之場上嬗變 The Fading Scholar and Beauty: The Shift on Stage of the Drama Fragment of Yuan Zaju, Story of the Western Wing
- 典型的塑造──鍾繇的時代及其「正書之祖」形象的確立 The Classic Calligrapher Zhong Yao(ca. 151-230) —A research on the development and formation of ‘Zheng Shu Zhi Zu’ since the Eastern Han Dynasty
- 敦煌本〈唯識大師無著菩薩本生緣〉、〈唯識論師世親菩薩本生緣〉之文本屬性與故事源流 The attribute of text and origin of stories in “Wei shi Da shi Wuzhu pusa ben sheng yuan” and “Wei shi lun shi Shiqin pusa ben sheng yuan” of Dunhuang Manuscripts