中國學術年刊 Studies in Sinology |
201509 (37秋季號期)期所有篇 |
- 中西學術之爭與晚清書目分類的歷史演進 The Academic Debate between Chinese and Western and the Historical Evolution of the Late Qing Dynasty Bibliography Classification
- 王鍔《三禮研究論著提要》探析 An Analysis and Discussion of Wang E's "The Study of the Three Ritual Texts"
- 釋德清《老子道德經解》與《莊子內篇註》互文詮釋方法析論 Shi Dé-qing's Intertextuality Interpretation Method of "Zhuangzi Nei Pian Zhu" and "Laozi Dao De Jing Jie"
- 《六十種曲》臺本或墨本屬性考辨--以《荊釵記》、《香囊記》為例 "The Sixty Legends" Is the Script or Perusable Edition?