台灣原住民族研究學報 Journal of The Taiwan Indigenous Studies Association |
201712 (7:4期)期所有篇 |
- 轉型正義中的時空責任 Transitional Justice in Time and Space
- 去殖民的上帝--聖經詮釋的轉換與上帝觀轉變 Decolonizing God: Shifts in Biblical Interpretation and the Transformation of View of God
- 基督宗教與解殖民:原住民族解放神學觀點初探 Christianity and Decolonization: A Preliminary Investigation of Indigenous Liberation Theological Perspectives
- 你的?我的?還是我們的gaga?泰雅族人以與基督宗教互動的經驗反思「解殖民」實踐歷程 Reflecting the Decolonization Process from the Interactive Experiences between the Atayal People and the Christian Church
- 解殖.自主書寫.解放:多重層文化帝國主義宰制下的原住民族解殖神學論述 Decolonization, Self-writing, and Liberation: Indigenous Theologies of Decolonization under the Multilayered Cultural Imperialism
- 台灣基督長老教會『支持原住民恢復權利與自治』決議文的信仰精神 The Spirit of the Resolution of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan in Support of the Restoration of the Rights and Autonomy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples
- 台灣基督長老教會『支持原住民恢復權利與自治』決議文形成過程與當代意義 The Formation and Significance of the Resolution of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan in Support of the Restoration of the Rights and Autonomy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples
- 基督宗教與解殖民:教會如何落實轉型正義? Christianity and Decolonization: How Does the Church Enforce Transformational Justice?
- 教會在轉型正義中的角色:神學與蘭嶼達悟人的文化轉譯 The Role of Christian Churches in Transitional Justice: Christian theology and Cultural Translation on Orchid Island
- 族群主流化的政策觀察 Strategies for Ethnic Mainstreaming: Policy Observations and Reflections
- 族群主流化的策略與探討uri vaik a tjumaq Strategies and Reflections on Ethnic Group Mainstreaming, Uri Vaik A Tjumaq
- 族群主流化的策略與思考 The Practice of Ethnic Mainstreaming at the Local Level: A Preliminary Study