設計學報 Journal of Design |
200606 (11:2期)期所有篇 |
- 從觀察吸塵器演變推論產品演化的初探 Investigating Product Evolution from the Development of Vacuum Cleaner
- 新產品開發決策之同步SMART評價模式 A Concurrent SMART^2 Evaluation Model for Decision-making in New Product Development
- 當代行人徒步街發展研究——從德國經驗到臺灣本土的實踐 An Experimental Study on Pedestrian Mall-From the Development of German Experience to the Current Practices in Taiwan
- 「失諧——解困」理論與設計邏輯中的幽默理解歷程 Perception Patterns of Figurative Expressions and 'Incongruity-Resolution' Theory in Humor Design
- 建築系高中職學生空間設計能力評量之研究 Evaluation of Spatial Ability in Architectural Design Course
- 高齡者對電話語音階層數與目標語音出現順序之使用性研究 Usability of Hierarchical Telephone Voice Interfaces and Sequences of Targeted Voice Responses for the Elderly
- 機構入居者生活行為模式與活動場所研究(1)——以南部某護理之家為例 The Study on Daily Living Behavior Patterns and Activity Place Types for the Elderly in Institution Part one-By Case of One Hospital-Based Nursing Home in Southern Taiwan