公民教育與活動領導學報 The Bulletin of Civic Education and Leadership |
201409 (23期)期所有篇 |
- 國小法治教育批判思考教學研究--以「責任」概念為例 Law-Related Education Critical Thinking Instruction Research at Elementary School - A Case of the 'Responsibility' Concept
- 不同世代國小女教育師性別養成經驗與性別意識內涵狀態之質性探究--以四位國小女教師為例 The qualitative exploration of the gender growing experience and gender consciousness of different generational elementary school female teachers
- 美國與臺灣高中理財教育課程之比較研究 A Comparative Study on Financial Curriculum between the U.S. and Taiwan
- 父母理財教導對國中生理財素養與理財行為關係之研究 Influence of parental financial teaching on financial literacy and financial behaviors of junior high school students
- 童軍參與專科章考驗之現況與意見調查 Current condition and opinions on boy scouts participate in the merit badge program