中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
201806 (32:2期)期所有篇 |
- 體育師資培育課程概念重建之反思:以再概念化學派之觀點 A reflection on the reconceptualization of physical education teacher education curriculum from the standpoint of curriculum reconceptualists
- 全球體育類院系排名指標之差異與反思 Investigate the college of physical education related fields from world university ranking
- 區隔或整合?剖析學生運動員的邊界管理 Segmentation or integration? Exploring the boundary management of student-athletes
- 目的地意象之概念建構:自行車觀光 Destination image building through cycling tourism
- 不同型態的運動對餐後血脂反應之探討 The effects of different exercise modes on postprandial lipemia
- 血流限制搭配低強度耐力訓練對肌肉與心肺適能影響之探討 Effects of Low Intensity Endurance Training Combined with Blood Flow Restriction on Muscular and Aerobic Fitness
- 學生運動員學業刻板印象之回顧 Literature review of the effects of stereotype threat on student-athletes’ academic performance
- 視錯覺在動作技能表現與學習中的角色 The role of visual illusion in motor skill performance and learning