中華體育季刊 Quarterly of Chinese Physical Education |
201712 (31:4期)期所有篇 |
- 冒險教育融入大學體育課程之探究 Adventure Education in College Physical Education Program: What can it achieve?
- 「打造運動島」與「運動i臺灣」計畫之比較 The comparison of「Build sports island」and「Sport i Taiwan」
- 路跑賽事品牌發展之探討:高雄國際馬拉松為例 An Analysis of Brand Development in the Running Race- in the Case of Kaohsiung International Marathon
- 臺灣各級學校專任運動教練薪資待遇制度之分析 The exploration of the compensations system in Taiwan fulltime athletic coaches program
- 臺灣藤球運動推展現況與策略分析 The current state and promotional strategies of sepaktakraw in Taiwan
- 發展意象能力:有效的三種技巧介紹 Developing imagery ability: Three effective techniques
- 雙側不對稱性對雙腳著地動作之下肢傷害探究 Investigation of side-to-side asymmetries on lower extremity injury during two-legged landing
- 高齡者下肢肌力衰退評估方法探討:以日本活動趨緩症候群檢測為例 Assessing lower limb muscle strength in the elderly: Locomotive syndrome risk test in Japan