台灣文學學報 Bulletin of Taiwanese Literature |
202212 (41期)期所有篇 |
- 《民俗臺灣》之「民」:金關丈夫、立石鐵臣與松山虔三在圖像專欄中的常民考察 The Idea of“the People”in the Folk Magazine Minzoku Taiwan: Takeo Kanaseki’s, Tetsuomi Tateishi’s, and Kenzo Matsuyama’s Investigation on Jomin in the Magazine’s Graphic Columns
- 女性江湖──荻宜的武俠小說研究 Swordswomen’s World: An Investigation into Di Yi’s Wuxia Novels
- 隱蔽的七〇年代──郭松棻後期作品中的「保釣敘事」 The Hidden Seventies: The“Baodiao Movement Narrative”in Kuo Songfen’s Late Works
- 一九三〇年代普羅世界語運動的文學與文化──以莊松林的民間文學實踐為例 1930’s Taiwan Proletariat Esperanto Movement Connected to Literature and Cultural Aspects: A Study on Chuang Song-lin’s Folk Literary Works