台灣文學學報 Bulletin of Taiwanese Literature |
201512 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 張漢良的新批評 Han Liang Zhang’s New Criticism
- 留學台灣•尋找「中國」--論馬華詩人傅承得與陳大為作品中的「中國圖像」與台灣經驗 Studied in Taiwan, Sought for “Chineseness”: A Research for “Chinese Image” of the Writings of Malaysian Chinese Poets Fu Chengde and Chen Dawei
- 日治台灣〈小人國記〉、〈大人國記〉譯本來源辨析 On the Origin of Translated Texts in Taiwan under Japanese Rule: “A Voyage to Lilliput” and “A Voyage to Brobdingnag”
- 析論八○年代葉石濤在東亞區域中的翻譯活動 An Analysis of Yeh Shih-t’ao’s translation activities at the regional of East Asia
- 台灣戰後初期文學場域重建:數位人文方法的運用與實例分析 Reconstruction of Taiwanese Early Post-war Literary Field: A Case Analysis with the Use of Digital Humanities Method