文化中國.地理臺灣——蕭麗紅一九七○年代小說中的鄉土語境 Cultural China, geographic Taiwan ─“Folk context” of Hsiao Li-Hung's works in the 1970s
詩和現實的理想距離——一九七二至一九七三年台灣現代詩論戰的再檢討 The ideal distance between poems and reality: Review a controversy about Taiwan modern poetry in 1972-1973
從個人傷痕到集體記憶 ——《橘子紅了》小說改寫與影劇改編的衍義歷程 From individual trauma to collective memory ─the derivation and connotation between the fictions and plays of “Oranges turn red”
台灣文壇向左轉——楊逵與三○年代的文學批評 Taiwanese Literature Turning Left: Yang Kui and the Literary Criticism in the 1930's