領導護理 Leadership Nursing |
201712 (18:4期)期所有篇 |
- 如何解決護理臨床教師之溝通指導困境 How to Solve the Communication Dilemma of Nursing Preceptors
- 上學「趣」:雲、嘉、南地區失智長者的學習長路 The Joys of Going School The Long Road of Learning among Aging People with Dementia in Yulin, Chia-Yi and Tainan
- 照護一位末期腎臟疾病病人初次接受血液透析的護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring an End-Stage-Renal Disease Patient who Receiving Hemodialysis for the First Time
- 照護一位罹患史蒂芬強生症候群併發毒性表皮壞死溶解症患者之急診護理經驗 Urgent Nursing Experience of a Steven-Johnson syndrome Patient Complicated with Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
- 一位直腸癌末期病人善終之照護經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Rectal Cancer at the End of life
- 加護病房肝硬化病人DNR醫療決策及預測因子之探討 An Exploration of Predictive Factors and DNR Medical Decision of Patients with Liver Cirrhosis in ICU
- 運用資訊系統提升無痛鏡檢病人準備作業之完整率 Using Information Systems to Enhance the Rate of Complete Preparation of Patients for an Endoscopic Examination
- 降低手術室人員肌肉骨骼傷害風險程度 Reducing the Risk from Ergonomic Hazards of Operating Room Staffs