領導護理 Leadership Nursing |
201603 (17:1期)期所有篇 |
- 以家庭為中心重症病人家數的護理照護 Family-Centered Care for Families of Patients in Critically Ill Condition
- 年輕重症病人父母親於加護病房之緊急過渡期的經驗:八仙塵爆事件的故事 The Experience of an ICU Patient's Family Undergoing the Emergency Transition Stage. The Tragic Event of Ba-Sian Dust Explosion
- 症狀群集之概念及研究方法探討 Symptom Clusters: Concept and Research Methodology
- 學齡期病童使用葉克膜治療導致截肢之護理經驗 Nursing Experience for A School Age Child post Amputation due to Complication of Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation
- 照顧一位顱內惡性腫瘤術後行安寧療護之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring for a Hospice Patient Post-Craniotomy
- 照護一位接受腎移植個案手術全期護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient Undergoing Kidney Transplantation
- 提升手術室護理人員術前訪視執行率之專案 A Nursing Project to Improve Pre-operational Patient Contact Rates
- 提升精神科病人就診服務滿意度 Improving Psychiatric Outpatient Services Satisfaction