領導護理 Leadership Nursing |
201004 (11:1期)期所有篇 |
- 醫護合作關係與病患照護結果 Collaborative Relationship Between Nurses and Physicians and Patients' Outcomes
- 老人自殺議題 The Issue of Elderly Suicide
- 血液透析病患在罹病過程中之訊息需求探討 An Exploration of Education for Patients with Hemodialysis
- 一位施行半人工髖關節置換術個案之手術全期護理經驗 A Perioperative Nursing Experience for a Patient Undergoing a Bipolar Hip Joint Replacement
- 一位曾有母乳哺餵失敗經歷之剖腹產經產婦的護理經驗 The Nursing Process on a Woman with Nonsuccessful Postpartum Breastfeeding Experience After Caesarean Section
- 照護一位無望感癌末病患之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience for a Hopeless Cancer Patient with End Stage
- 應用紐曼模式於一位慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience for Application of the Neuman System Model to a Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- 照護一位受到熟識者性侵害婦女之急診護理經驗 The Nursing Experience for a Woman been Acquaintance Raped
- 照顧一位塵肺症再度入院個案之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of a Readmitted Patient with Pneumoconisis
- 照護一位初次診斷肺結核病患之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Preliminary Pulmonary Tuberculosis
- 以ISBAR執行單位內交班之改善專案 Performance Improvement Project:Using ISBAR for Hand-off Report