探討照顧服務員執行維護病人安全照護項目之認知與需求--以中區四縣市醫院為例 A Survey on the Nursing Assistant’s Scope of Practice for Patient Safety-data from Four Hospitals in Central Taiwan
一位雙胞胎孕婦安胎之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience for a Patient with Twins Primipara for Tocolysis
一位橫紋肌溶解症併發急性腔室症候群病患之加護護理經驗 ICU Nursing Experience for a Patient with Acute Compartment Syndrome Secondary to Rhabdomyolysis
一位肺結核合併氣胸復發患者之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience for a Patient with Recurrent Pulmonary Tuberculosis Combining Pneumothorax
運用Orem理論協助一位人工髖關節脫位病患的護理經驗 Application of Orem’s Theory to Nursing Care for a Patient with Dislocation of Total Hip Relocation
照護一位中年期因腦缺氧長期臥床個案之居家護理經驗 Home Care Experience for a Long-Term Bedridden Patient post Cerebrovascular Ischemia
運用Watson關懷理論照護重症患者之主要照顧者護理經驗 Application Watson Caring Theory to Nursing Care for a Coma Patients with Head Trauma Care in the Primary Caregivers
提升加護中心病人身體約束流程完整執行率 Promotion Patient’s Body Restraint Flow Integrity Execution Rate in the Intensive Care Unit