重症病人譫妄的群組照護 Bundle Care of Delirium in Critically Ill Patients
成人周邊靜脈注射新思維 New Evidence-Based Practice in Peripheral Intravenous Therapy
中文版住院病人護理照護滿意度之信效度測試 Validity and Reliability Testing of a Chinese Version of a Hospital Patient Satisfaction
照顧一位初次診斷第1型糖尿病兒童之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring for a Child with Type 1 Diabetes
運用Orem理論照護一位第1型糖尿病青少年之護理經驗 Application of Orem's Theory to Nursing Care for a Patient with Type I Diabetes
兒童之急性鼻竇炎、過敏及感冒使用鼻沖洗的成效:系統文獻回顧及統合分析 Effects of Nasal Irrigation on Acute Sinusitis, Allergy and Common Cold in Children: Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
照顧一位腦部動靜脈血管畸形破裂個案脫離呼吸器之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Weaning a Brain AVM Patient off the Mechanical Ventilator
縮短胸痛病人到急診室後接受心電圖檢查時間之改善方案 An Improvement Project on Door-to-ECG Time for Patients with Chest Pain in the ED