師大學報:人文與社會科學類 Journal of Taiwan Normal Unviersity: Humanities & Social Science
200807 (53:2期)期所有篇
論意象組織之基本類型--以「移位」與「轉位」切入作考察 Basic Types of Image Arrangement in Chinese Literary Texts -"Shift"and"Transfer"
僧肇「不真空」義及其對三家般若學的評破--以「肇論」注疏的詮釋為討論範圍 Seng-zhao's "Bu Zhen Kong"and His Criticism of the Retorts to the Doctrine of Prajna of the Three Schools – Based on an Interpretation of the "Zhao Lun" Commentaries
臺灣北高兩市民眾對公平與關懷道德認知之研究 Taiwan's North-South Gap: A Study of Taipei and Kaohsiung Citizens'Moral Cognition of Fairness and Careness
女性圖像與廣告之研究--以1956-1970臺灣報紙醫藥廣告為例 The Representation of Women's Figures in Advertisements for Medicine in Taiwanese Newspapers, 1956~1970
字義推測與直接翻譯對非刻意字彙學習之比較研究 Meaning-Inferred Gloss and Meaning-Given Gloss on Incidental Vocabulary Learning
外籍女性配偶及其對台灣文化的影響 Immigrant Wives and Their Cultural Influence in Taiwan