中華民國品質學會第52屆年會高雄市分會第41屆年會暨2016國際品質管理研討會紀實 A Narrative on CSQ 52nd Annual Congress CSQ Kaohsiung Chapter 41st Annual Congress 2016 International Symposium of Quality Management (ISQM)
經濟部標準檢驗局局長劉明忠博士致詞稿 The Speech of BSMI Director General Dr. Ming-Jong Liou
品質年會--工具機產業可靠度技術發展論壇紀實 The Annual Meeting of Quality - The Forum Documentary of Reliability Technology Development Applied to Machine Tools Industry
精實六標準差在航太製造業之應用研究:以台灣航太引擎OEM廠為例 Implementing Lean Six Sigma in an Aerospace Manufacturing Organization : A Case Study at a 1st Tier Aviation Engine OEM Company in Taiwan
概念專文:品質全球平台(續) Concept Paper: Global Platform for Quality (II)