品質月刊 Quality Journal |
201412 (50:12期)期所有篇 |
- 中華民國品質學會高雄市分會第三十九屆年會花絮 A Narrative on CSQKH 39th Annual Congress
- 服務品質管理的變革與趨勢 The Evolution and Trend of Service Quality Management
- 應用QFD探討環保文創文具商品之開發 Applying QFD for the Development of Environmental Protection and Culture─Stationery Products
- 藉申獎之「作為」深化服務品質 How to Deepen the Quality of Service by Awarding
- 可靠度工程發展之回顧與展望 Review and Prospects of the Industry Reliability Engineering Development
- 0收1退抽樣計畫之比較及應用(下) The comparison of Zero-based acceptance sampling plans and their applications (II)
- 企業粉絲專頁之品質要素分析 The building blocks of quality Facebook fan pages