技職教育期刊 Journal of Technology and Vocational Education |
201012 (2期)期所有篇 |
- 技職院校幼兒保育相關學系學生就學歸因、職業認知與任教職志之研究 The Study on the Major Choice, Occupational Knowledge, and Teaching Commitment of Child Care Department Students in Colleges of Science and Technology
- 高職「專題製作」課程實施機制之研發 Developing an Implementation Mechanism for the 'Practical Project' Course in Vocational Schools
- 海峽兩岸工科中等職校學生的職業價值觀 A Comparison of Vocational Values between Taiwanese and Chinese Vocational Industrial High Students
- 高職學生實作技能學習之後設認知研究--以電子實習課程為例 Analyzing Metacognition in Practical Skill Learning for Vocational School Students: A Case Study of Electronic Practice Course
- 精密鑄造產業核心技術內涵之研究 Analyze the core skills of the industry for promoting the human resource of the precision foundry
- 澎湖地區科技大學學生英語學習動機、學習策略與學習成效之研究 Learning English Motivation, Strategies and Achievement of Technological University Students in Penghu