比較文學與臺灣文學 East-West Comparative Literature and Taiwanese Literature
臺灣「現代主義」小說序論 An Overview of Taiwan Modernist Fiction
夏濟安、《文學雜誌》與臺灣大學--兼論臺灣「學院派」文學雜誌及其與「文化場域」和「教育空間」的互涉 Hsia Tsi-an, Literary Review, and Taiwan University: On Taiwan 'academic' literary journals and their interaction with the 'Cultural Field' and the 'Educational Space'
張愛玲小說與紅樓夢 Eileen Chang's Novels and Red Chamber Dream
鄉野傳奇與道德理想主義--黃春明與張煒的鄉土小說比較研究 Local Legends and Moral Idealism: A Comparative Study on Chun-ming Hwang's and Wei Chang's Nativist Novels
試論林文月、蔡珠兒的「飲食散文」--兼述臺灣當代散文體式與格調的轉變 On the 'Yin Shi San Wen' of Lin Wen-yue and Cai Zhu'er: and the Change of Form and Style in Contemporary Taiwan Prose