觀光研究學報 Journal of Tourism Studies |
200506 (11:2期)期所有篇 |
- 內部行銷及其對餐旅服務人員的影響:從組織中自我肯定與顧客導向的觀點 Internal Marketing and Its Effects on Hospitality Service Employees: From the Perspectives of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Customer Orientation
- 臺灣旅行業研究之發展回顧與評析 Review and Analysis of Travel Service Studies in Taiwan
- 我國高職餐飲科學生實習期間遭受性騷擾問題之探討 A Study of Vocational High School Students Majored in Food and Beverage Management Program Confronting Sexual Harassment during Their Practical Training Periods
- 多元化入學方式對學生專業能力認知之探討——四技餐旅管理系之研究 The Research between a Diversity Entrance and Students' Cognitions of Competencies: A Study for Department of Hospitality of Four-year System