觀光研究學報 Journal of Tourism Studies |
200503 (11:1期)期所有篇 |
- 民眾參與原住民部落生態旅遊之行為意向分析——以屏東縣霧臺鄉為例 The Behavior Intention of Ecotourists’Participation in Reservation Area of Aboriginal Tribes in Ping-Tung County: An Empirical Case Study of Wu-Tai Hsian
- 消費者對有機餐廳的態度與需求之研究 A Study of Consumers’ Attitudes and Needs towards Organic Restaurants
- 建立旅遊經紀人制度可行性評估之探索性研究 An Exploratory Research on the Establishment of Travel Broker System: A Feasibility Assessment
- 特殊族群出國旅遊之探索性研究——以臺北地區洗腎患者為例 An Exploratory Research of the Special Population Traveling Abroad Base on the Dialysis Patients of Taipei Area