觀光研究學報 Journal of Tourism Studies |
200409 (10:3期)期所有篇 |
- 人格特質、學習型態與學習表現關係之研究——以臺灣餐旅教育學生為例 Relationship among Personality, Learning Style and Learning Performance - A Case of the Hospitality Students in Taiwan
- 臺北市銀髮族休閒阻礙因素之研究——以團體國外旅遊為例 The Study of Leisure Constraints Factors of Senior Citizens in Taipei - A Study of Overseas Group Travel
- 我國技專校院旅館系學生專業能力指標之建構 Constructing the Index of Professional Competencies of College Students in the Hotel Management Department in Taiwan
- 地方行銷對供需法則影響之研究——以預測模式探討黑鮪魚文化觀光季 The Influence Study of Place Marketing on Law of Supply and Demand - Study of Bluefin Tuna Tourism Season by Forecasting Model
- 嚴重急性呼吸道症候群對台灣觀光業之衝擊:以來華及國人出國觀光為例 The Impact of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in Taiwan's Tourism Industry : Cases of Inbound and Outbound Tourism
- 網路線上訂房顧客滿意度關係模式之研究 A Study on the Customer Satisfaction Model of Internet Online Accommodation Reservation Services
- 以服務藍圖建構國家公園解說服務流程 Establishing the Interpretation Service Process by the Service Blueprinting for Taiwan National Parks
- 運用重視-表現程度分析法探討旅客對航空站服務之態度研究——以臺東航空站為例 Using the Technique of Importance - Performance Analysis to Evaluate Visitors ¦ Atti t udes Re gar di ng Ser vi ces Pr ovi de d by Airport - A Case Study of Tai-Tung Airport