觀光研究學報 Journal of Tourism Studies |
200406 (10:2期)期所有篇 |
- 旅館顧客滿意屬性矩陣之研究——比較日、美、中國大陸旅客之認知 A Study of Customer-Satisfaction Attribute Matrix in the Hotel Industry-A Comparison of Japanese, American, and Mainland Chinese Travelers
- 影響旅客選定遊輪旅遊推拉力因素之研究 Study on Push and Pull Factors of Selecting the Cruise Tours
- 運用SEM模式探討遊客滿意度——以花蓮縣為例 Applying SEM Model to Study Tourist Satisfaction-An Empirical Study of Hualien County
- 空服員工作生活品質與服務態度關聯性之研究 The Relationship Between Quality of Working Life and Service Attitude Of Flight Attendants
- 餐飲業顧客滿意、服務失誤與服務補救類型分析:臺灣地區餐廳之研究 An Analysis of the Typology of Customer Satisfaction, Service Failure and Recovery in Restaurant Industry:A Study of Restaurants in Taiwan
- 大陸地區來臺觀光團體旅客旅遊消費行為與重遊意願之研究 The Consumer Behavior and Revisiting Willingness for Group Package Tourists from China to Taiwan
- 澎湖套裝旅遊服務品質之研究 A Study of Service Quality on Package Tours in Penghu Islands
- 台灣國際觀光旅館宴會業務個人銷售實務與行銷組合之探討 Personal Selling Practices and Marketing Mix : An Exploratory Study of Hotel Catering in Taiwan