觀光研究學報 Journal of Tourism Studies |
200403 (10:1期)期所有篇 |
- 酒類觀光對地方區域發展衝擊之研究 Residents' Perceptions and Attitudes on Wine Tourism Impacts
- 公平認知與顧客組織承諾之研究——以顧客滿意度為中介變數探討 The Relationship of Justice Perception and Customer Organization Commitment: An Intervening Effect of Customer Satisfaction
- 北投居民對觀光再發展影響之認知與態度研究 Residents' Perception and Attitude Toward Tourism Redevelopment In Peitou
- 實習工作價值觀的建構及其與工作投入的關係——以大專觀光、休閒、餐旅相關科系學生為例 The Relation between Practical Training Values and Job Involvement: A Study of College Students Majoring in Tourism, Leisure, Recreation, and Hospitality
- 秀姑巒溪泛舟遊客動機與滿意度之研究 Motivations and Satisfaction of Whitewater Rafters of Hsiukulan River
- 北臺灣主要休閒農場之市場區隔與定位分析 Market Segmentation and Positioning Analysis for Leisure Farm Market in Northern Taiwan
- 社區認真休閒團體促成社區意識之形成模式 A Model of Community Serious Leisure Groups Facilitating the Development of the Sense of Community
- 臺灣休閒農業之體驗付費與觀光商品化現象 The Phenomenon of Taiwan Leisure Agriculture: Experiencing Payment and Tourism Commodification