觀光研究學報 Journal of Tourism Studies |
200311 (9:2期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣地區休閒農場遊客旅遊動機、資訊搜尋與選擇評估準則之研究 A Research on Leisure Farm Tourists’ Motivation, Information Search Behavior, and Evaluation Criteria in Taiwan
- 臺灣地區技職教育體系中觀光系入學新生選系背景的調查 Why Students Choose a Tourism Degree Program: A Study of First-year Students Enrolled in the Tourism Program in Technological and Vocational Education System in Taiwan
- 家長對速食餐廳兒童遊戲態度與家庭消費型態之關係研究 The Relationship of Parents' Attitudes toward Children's Play on Family Consumption Patterns in Fast Food Restaurants
- 情境因素對機場消費者選擇餐廳偏好之影響 The Impact of Situational Factors on Consumers’ Preferences toward Choosing Restaurants in the International Airport
- 中高齡族群對退休安養型旅館需求之探究——以淡水潤福生活新象為例 The Aged People’s Demand for Retirement Hotel - A Case Study of Jun Fu, Jun Tai Group in Tamsui
- 動靜態遊憩活動對生心理反應之研究 The Relationship between Psycho-Physiological Responses of Active and Static Recreational Activities
- 消費者的人格特質、人口特性與餐廳服務失誤抱怨行為之研究 Consumer Complaint Behavior for Restaurant Industry: Identifying Sociodemographic Characteristics and Personality Factors
- 龜山島生態旅遊遊憩承載量之研究 A Study on Recreational Carrying Capacity of Ecotourism Area in The Turtle Island
- 災後旅客行為與有效行銷策略之研究:以九二一大地震為例 A Study of Post-Disaster Tourist Behavior and Effective Marketing Strategies: The Case of September 21st Earthquake
- 二專餐飲管理科學生職業認知及生涯決定關係之研究 The Research about Relationships among Vocational Awareness and Career Decision-Making of Junior Colleges Students in Hospitality Management