觀光研究學報 Journal of Tourism Studies |
200112 (7:2期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣地區技職教育體系觀光教育所面臨之重要議題暨四年制大學觀光系入學新生選系背景之研究 The Critical Issues of Tourism Education and Why Students Choose a Tourism-degree Program: A Study of First-year Students Enrolled in the Four-year Undergraduate Tourism Program in Technological and Vocational Education System in Taiwan
- 旅行業及航空業對航空公司服務品質認知之比較分析 A Comparative Analysis of the Perceived Service Quality of the Airlines among Employees in Travel Agencies and Airlines
- 中國大陸入境旅遊總體經濟效益之研究 The Research to economic benefits of inbound tourism market in Mainland China.
- 學生在餐廳實習時遭受性騷擾問題之研究 A Study of Students Confronting Sexual Harassment During Practical Training at Restaurants
- 旅行業者對大陸旅行風險認知之研究 A Study on the Cognition of Travel agents toward Travel Risks in Mainland China
- 遊客渡假生活型態與休閒消費行為之初探——以墾丁地區遊客為例 A Preliminary Study on the Vacation Lifestyle and its Consumer behaviorA Case Study of Kenting’s travelers
- 臺北縣立坪林茶業博物館遊客滿意度對重遊意願之影響 The Impact of Visitors’ Satisfaction on Their Intention to Revisit Pin-Ling Tea Museum, Taipei County
- 旅遊涉入程度之研究——以海外旅遊產品選購為例 Tourist Involvement On International Tour Choices