觀光休閒學報 Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies |
201512 (21:3期)期所有篇 |
- 建構高鐵乘客使用APP訂票通關服務之行為模式 Customer Acceptance Model on Mobile Application for Taiwan High Speed Rail
- 以尖點劇變模型探討消費者非線性選擇行為模式:渡假區國際觀光旅館為例 Customer Acceptance A Cusp Catastrophe Model for Non-Linear Choices of International Tourist Hotels in Resort District
- 帶點朦朧美:中式婚宴菜餚中度隱喻命名提升吸引力及購買意願 Ambiguity Intensifies the Sense of Beauty: Moderate Metaphor of Cuisine Naming in Chinese Wedding Banquet Increases Attractiveness and Purchase Intention
- 運動員代言人外表吸引力與運動賽事類型之配適效果--配適假說於運動行銷之探討 The Match-up Effect between Athlete Endorsers' Physical Attractiveness and Sporting Event Types-Investigation on Match-up Hypothesis in Sports Marketing