臺灣社會學刊 Taiwanese Journal of Sociology |
201412 (55期)期所有篇 |
- 干預型國家的新自由主義轉向(1980-2010):墨西哥與臺灣石化政策與技術官僚的理念鑲嵌 Neo-liberal Shifts in Interventionist States: Petrochemical Policies and the Ideational Embeddedness of Technocracy in Mexico and Taiwan
- 內捲化的跨國移動:來台印尼爪哇女性移工的道德經濟學 International Migration Involution: The Moral Economy of Javanese Female Workers in Taiwan
- 區隔的勞動市場?:探討臺灣典型與非典型工作者的工作流動與薪資差異 Segmented Labor Markets? An Investigation of Job Mobility and Wage Differences between Standard and Nonstandard Workers in Taiwan
- 公民意識的社會參與效應:志願結社及日常接觸 Social Participation Effects on Civic Consciousness: Voluntary Associations and Daily Contacts
- 男性家暴者的諮商經驗:階級差異如何再製 How Class Distinctions are Reproduced: Evidence from the Counselling Experiences of Male Domestic Violence Abusers