国际经济法学刊 Journal of International Economic Law |
202307 (29:3期)期所有篇 |
- 國家主權豁免的法理基礎和外交實踐:以“密蘇里州訴中國案”為視域 The Jurisprudence and Diplomatic Practice of State Immunity: From the Perspective of Missouri v. China Case
- 論GDPR數據跨境傳輸二元保護模式的選擇 The Selection of GDPR's Dual Protection Modes of Cross-Border Data Transmission
- 海洋環境保護義務與對世義務之關係辨析 Discerning the Relationship between the Obligation to Protect the Marine Environment and the Obligation Erga Omnes
- 論國際法的正當性 The Legitimacy of International Law
- 國際貿易法體系的碎片化結構:歷史性變局、主要矛盾與中國對策 The Fragmented Structure of the International Trade Legal System: Historical Change, Major Conflicts and China's Strategy
- “法源理論”視野下的國際商事慣例:定性辨正與適用闡微 International Commercial Usage from the Perspective of Sources of Law Theory: Analysis on Identification and Application
- 基於合同目的與實務研判的守約方認可規則研究 On ''Observant Party's Recognition'' Rule Based on Contractual Purpose and Practical Research
- 基於“義務-執行”分析框架的世界銀行制裁機制與軟法治理 The World Bank Sanctions Mechanism Based on the ''Obligation-Enforcement'' Analytical Framework and The Soft Law Governance
- WTO上訴機構停擺背景下國際知識產權糾紛解決的出路──基於ISDS實踐的分析 The Way out of International Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution under the Background of the Suspension of the Appellate Body of WTO-Analysis Based on ISDS Practice
- 公平公正待遇限制下的國內法:對絕對待遇標準的再反思 Domestic Law under the Constraints of Fair and Equitable Treatment: Rethinking the Absolute Standard of Treatment