英美文學評論 Review of English and American literature |
201612 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 挪用莎士比亞--援引莎劇的展演行動 Appropriating Shakespeare as an Act of Citation
- 《哈姆雷特》、性別空間與劇場空間 Hamlet, Gender Space, and Theatrical Space
- 在《威尼斯商人》中探尋經濟交換中的正義 Searching for Justice-Breaking with the Tribal, Capitalist, and State Mode of Economic Exchange in The Merchant of Venice
- 維多利亞時期的鐵道意象--以狄更斯的〈信號員〉與兩幅當代畫作為例 The Railway Images in the Victorian Period -A Study of "The Signal-Man" and Two Contemporary Paintings
- 前言:三少爺的劍 Foreword
- 讀文學,能做甚麼?文學課何去何從? Why Study Literature? Where Do Literature Courses Lead Us to?
- 國立中山大學英美文學教育與建制 The Education and Discipline of Anglo-American Literature in National Sun Yat-sen University
- 面對高教危機--從亞洲崛起看臺灣英語文系所的變形金剛4 Facing the Crisis of Higher Education: Examining the Transformer 4 of the English Language and Literature Related Departments in Taiwan from the Perspective of the Rising Asia
- 哀鳴變奏曲:評鄧敏靈著《不要說我們一無所有》 The Mourning Variations: Review of Madeleine Thien's Do Not Say We Have Nothing