英美文學評論 Review of English and American literature |
201606 (28期)期所有篇 |
- 從認知的邊緣出發:德希達和摩里森的文學秘密 Movement from the Edge of Knowledge: Literary Secrecy between Jacques Derrida and Toni Morrison
- 以愛之名:席巴思欽.薄瑞《秘密經文》中的解密工程 In the Name of Love: Decoding the Secret in Sebastian Barry’s The Secret Scripture
- 世界文學或「世界化」文學 World Literature or Literature as Worlding Project
- 迴聲筒 Echo Chamber
- 比較乎?世界乎?文學的去從 To Compare, or to Worlding? Whither Will Literature Be?
- 意義遲後:文學的當代位置 After-thoughts Placing Literature in the Contemporary
- 〈意義遲後:文學的當代位置〉散論 "After-thoughts: The Place of Literature in the Contemporary": Some Scattered Thoughts
- 定位亞洲文學--與威雷伯一席談 Orientation and Asian Literature: A Conversation with Rob Wilson
- 二○一五年臺灣的英美文學研究與活動概況 Reflections on Anglo-American Literary Studies in Taiwan, 2015
- 送別滕以魯老師 In Memoriam Prof. I-lu Teng(Yu-Cheng Lee)