英美文學評論 Review of English and American literature |
201512 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 勾沉與出新--譚碧芳訪談錄 Reclaiming Chinese American History: An Interview with Judy Yung
- 在環太平洋全球資本主義的國度醒覺/行走--一種詩學,一種地緣政治,幾首詩 Waking/Walking into Global Capitalism on the Pacific Rim-A Poetics, a Geopolitics, Some Poems
- 自傳書╱畫--《越南美國》中的圖像記憶場域 Autobio/Graphic Writing-The Construction of the Site of Memory in Vietnamerica
- 失國情境下的生存突圍--從《老爸的笑聲》再探卜婁杉的菲╱美書寫 Surviving the Stateless Condition-Reconsidering Carlos Bulosan’s Filipino/American Writings in Light of The Laughter of My Father
- 全球化下《慰安婦》小說的教育定位 The Pedagogical Role of the Literary Text-Comfort Woman from a Global Perspective
- 重訪天使島--評《埃崙詩集》第二版 Revisiting Angel Island: Review of Island: Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island, 1910-1940 (2nd edition)
- 從新媒體研究看文學與傳介問題 In and Out of New Media Studies Mediation as a Literary Question