醫療品質 Healthcare Quality |
202212 (11:1期)期所有篇 |
- 探討醫院全體人員對於品質指標之知識、態度、行為研究 Explore the Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Research of All Hospital Staff on Quality Indicators
- 提升出院準備服務病人無縫銜接長照2.0之改善專案 The Improvement Project to Improve the Seamless Connection of Long-Term Care 2.0 for Patients in Preparation for Discharge
- 探討病人排程檢查失約與等候時間及服務滿意度之相關性 To Explore the Influence Factors in Missed Appointments of Patients' Scheduled Examination
- 整合醫學科之成立對急診病人滯留時間之影響 The Influence of Hospitalist System on Length of Emergency Stay
- 建構微笑E校園強化健康識能──以南部某區域醫院為例 Building the Smile E-Campus to Strengthen Health Literacy in a Regional Hospital of Southern Taiwan