醫療品質 Healthcare Quality |
202106 (9:2期)期所有篇 |
- 透過急診病人流分析COVID-19對醫學中心急診之影響 The impact of COVID-19 on the emergency department of a medical center by patient flow analysis
- 運用創新人因工程以及精實管理提升門診檢驗急做效率 Use innovative human factors engineering and lean management to improve the efficiency of outpatient urgent inspection
- 運用精實醫療重整日間手術安全作業流程 Using lean healthcare to optimize safe protocol of day surgery
- 運用醫病共享決策提升門診減重病人體重管理之成效 The Effect of Shared Decision Making on Improving Weight Management in the Obesity Outpatients Who Want to Lose Weight
- 全面使用安全針具可降低針扎事件的發生嗎? Can Comprehensive provision of safety-engineered devices reduce needlestick injuries?