朝陽人文社會學刊 Chaoyang Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences |
201012 (8:2期)期所有篇 |
- 費孝通的人文教育思想研究 The Study on Human's Literal Education Thinking of Dr. Fai Shaio-Tung
- 舞蹈文化演變的探討--以實用舞蹈與表演舞蹈為例 A Study of he evolution in danse culture--an exploration on practice dance and performing dance
- 幼稚園教室言談之探究 A study of classroom discourse in kindergarten
- 實作評量融入師資生班級經營課程實施成效探究 To explore the effectiveness of implomentation performance assessment in pre-service teachers' classroom management curriculum
- 現代小說《草房子.艾地》愛的真諦之情意教學 Affective teaching of the Essence of Love of Modern Novel, Thatched Memories
- 幼兒表徵遊戲中文語言溝通之探究--以雙語班與半日全美班個案為例 Young Children's Chinese Language Communication in Representational Play:Cases of Bilingual and Half-day English Classes
- 應用視覺隱喻抽取法(ZMET)建構學習感知心智地圖 Applying ZMET to Construct Learing Emotion Mental Map
- 國小五年級學生生物多樣性科學學習之研究 A Study of teaching and learning of biodiversity on elementary school 5t graders
- 學齡前兒童齲齒狀況與口腔衛生習慣之關係 Relationship between the prevalence of dental caries and oral hygiene habit in preschool children