臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association |
201806 (17:2期)期所有篇 |
- 尿毒症病人皮膚搔癢症臨床評估及處置之簡介 Clinical Assessment and Management of Skin Pruritus for Uremic Patients
- 降低血液透析後病人動靜脈瘻管穿刺部位滲血率 Reduce the Bleeding Rate of Puncture Site of A-V Shunt in Hemodialysis Patients
- 一位罹患格林巴瑞氏症候群新住民婦女的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of A New Immigrant Woman Suffering from the Guillain-Barre Syndrome
- 照顧一位膀胱癌末期面臨死亡焦慮之透析病人照護經驗 Care Experience for A Dialysis Patient with Death Anxiety at Terminal Stage of Bladder Cancer
- 協助一位移植後腎衰竭社交隔離患者回歸社會之護理經驗 Nursing Experience in Assisting a Socially Isolated Patient with Renal Failure after Renal Transplant to Reintegrate into Society
- 一位病人退休後接受血液透析治療之護理經驗 Nursing Experience for A Post-retirement Patient under Hemodialysis Treatment
- 照顧一位血液透析多年患者遭逢喪失女友之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Taking Care of a Hemodialysis Patient Who has Lost His Girlfriend