臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association |
201709 (16:3期)期所有篇 |
- 血液透析患者動靜脈瘻管阻塞原因及預防與居家照護 Associated Factors and Prevention of Fistula Obstruction and Home Care for Arteriovenous Fistula for Patients with Hemodialysis
- 提升血液透析病人預防周邊動脈阻塞之照護完整率方案 Improving Preventive Care of Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease for Hemodialysis Patients
- 改善血液透析室預立安寧緩和醫療暨維生醫療抉擇意願書簽署率低之專案 Improving the Take-up Rate of the Hospice Palliative Care & Life-Sustaining Treatment Advance Care Plan in Hemodialysis Wards
- 一位初期接受血液透析有自殺行為個案之護理經驗 Experience of Caring for a Hemodialysis Beginner with Suicidal Behavior
- 照顧一位腹膜透析轉血液透析病患之護理經驗 Experience of Caring for a Patient that Switched from Peritoneal Dialysis to Hemodialysis
- 照顧一位慢性腎臟病初次接受血液透析患者之護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience of a First Hemodialysis Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease
- 運用Watson理論於一位血液透析個案無望感之護理經驗 Experience of Applying Watson Theory during Nursing Care for a Patient Receiving Hemodialysis with Sense Hopelessness