臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association |
200912 (8:2期)期所有篇 |
- 腎臟移植後病人生活經驗之重構歷程--質性研究觀點初探 Experiences of life re-building among post-renal transplantation patients: A Qualitative Perspective
- 透析患者的憂鬱現象及其護理處置 Depression among Dialysis Patients and Related Nursing Interventions
- 縮短住院透析病患等候返回病房時間方案 Plan to Reduce In-hospital Dialysis Patients’ Waiting Time to Return to their Wards
- 協助一位末期腎臟病患者由血液透析治療轉作腹膜透析之護理經驗 Nursing Care of an End-Stage Renal Disease Hemodialysis Patient’s Acceptance of Peritoneal Dialysis
- 照顧一位血液透析病患因搔癢導致身體心像紊亂之護理經驗 A Nursing Care Experience of a Hemodialysis Patient with Pruritus for Body Image Disturbance
- 從否認到接受:一位重覆入院初次洗腎病患之護理經驗 From Denial to Acceptance: The nursing experience of a patient who was readmitted for her first hemodialysis