臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association |
200906 (8:1期)期所有篇 |
- 運用羅氏適應理論照顧一位初次接受血液透析患者之護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience of a First Hemodialysis Patient Using the Roy's Theory
- 運用羅氏適應模式於一位適婚女性尿毒症病人首次接受血液透析之照護經驗 Model on an Unmarried Young Woman Patient Undergoing First Time Hemodialysis
- 以顧客導向探討腹膜透析衛教服務品質 Customer-Oriented Research on Service Quality of Health Education Regarding Peritoneal Dialysis
- 現行衛教與醫療給付制度對透析模式選擇之衝擊 Patient Education and Reimbursement Policy: Impact on the Choice of Renal Replacement Therapy Modality
- 降低某血液透析室生物醫療廢棄物重量 The Experience of Reducing the Weight of Medical Waste in a Hemodialysis Center
- 運用自我調節理論於一位血液透析患者血磷控制之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Applying Self-Regulation Theory to Control Phosphorus Levels in a Hemodialysis Patient with Hyperphosphatemia