臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association |
200712 (6:2期)期所有篇 |
- 降低暫時性血液透析導管引發之血流感染率 Decreasing the Bloodstream Infection Rate for Temporary Catheter-Related Hemodialysis
- 降低血液透析患者留置雙腔導管感染率之改善方案 Strategies to Reduce Hemodialysis Catheter-Related Infection in Uremic Patients
- 血液透析病患其控握信念、心理困擾與健康促進行為之初探 Preliminary Study of the Relationship between Health Locus of Control, Psychological Distress and Health Promotion Behavior in a Group of Hemodialysis Patients
- 血液透析穿刺針固定方法之改善專案 A Project for Improving Fixing Methods for Hemodialysis Puncture Needle
- 透析治療於急性巴拉刈中毒的應用與照護 Effectiveness and Nursing Care of Acute Paraquat Poisoning Treated with Dialysis
- 照護一位體液容積過量之老年血液透析患者的護理經驗 A Nursing Care Experience of a Gerontic Hemodialysis Patient with Body Fluid Overload