臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌 Journal of Taiwan Nephrology Nurses Association |
200612 (5:2期)期所有篇 |
- 血液透析動靜脈瘻管檢查新趨勢之介入性瘻管整型術 The Arterio-Venous Fistula Checkup and New Tendency of Hemodialysis-Interventional Angioplasty of Arterioenous Fistula
- 照顧一位老年血液透析病患多次瘻管栓塞之護理經驗 Nursing for an Elderly Hemodialysis Patient Who Has Received Several Fistula Embolism Treatments
- 照護一位糖尿病腎病變透析病患血管通路重建之護理經驗 The Experience to Nurse a Hemodialysis Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy for Vascular Access Reconstruction
- 足部照護教育課程對血液透析合併糖尿病病患之成效 Effects of the Foot Care Course for the Hemodialysis Patients with Diabetics Mellitus
- 提昇某血液透稀室病患對藥物指導之滿意度 A Project to Improve the Satisfaction for Medication Instruction among HDR Patients
- 照護一位糖尿病腎病變病患初次血液透析之護理經驗 The Experience of Nursing a Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy Who Is Undergoing Hemodialysis for the First Time
- 照顧一位血液透析病患接受髖關節置換術後之護理經驗 The Experience to Nurse a Hemodialysis Patient with Hip Replacement Operation