提升血液透析前病人跨部門交班完整性專案 A project to improve the integrity of inter-departmental shift handovers for patients in pre-dialysis
運用記憶法教導一位高血鉀血液透析患者之經驗 Experience with using the mnemonic system to teach a patient in hyperkalemia hemodialysis
一位初次血液透析病患治療計畫知識缺失、無力感、哀傷之護理經驗 Nursing experience with first-time hemodialysis patient experiencing treatment plan knowledge deficit, powerlessness and grief
運用歐倫理論協助一位腹膜透析失敗轉血液透析的護理經驗 Nursing experience of applying Orem’s Theory to help a peritoneal dialysis patient cope with hemodialysis