企業管理學報 Journal of Business Administration |
202012 (45:4期)期所有篇 |
- 政治獻金與股票報酬:租稅規避調節效果 Corporate Political Contributions, Tax Avoidance and Stock Returns
- 情緒勞務與建言行為關係之研究-以主動性人格為調節變項 Relationship Between Emotional Labor and Voice Behavior—Using Proactive Personality as the Moderating Variable
- 逝世巨星依然閃耀:從時間與消費者群我觀點初探已故名人代言效果 Deceased Superstars are Still Shining: Examining the Effects of Dead Celebrity Endorsement from the Perspectives of Time and the Relationship between Consumer Self and Communities
- 性訴求類型、產品類型與調節焦點對廣告效果之影響 The Influence of Sex Appeal Type, Product Type, and Regulatory Focus on Advertising Effects