企業管理學報 Journal of Business Administration |
201603 (108期)期所有篇 |
- 主管道德領導與道德行為之關係研究--兼論薪資之調節效果 The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Ethical Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Compensation
- 台灣系統整合服務業者轉型為雲端服務提供商之可行性研究 A Feasibility Study on How Taiwanese System Integrators Transform into Cloud-based Service Providers
- 新娘秘書創業策略之研究:以新進新娘秘書、專業補習班講師、以及消費者三方觀點探討之 Bride Secretaries' Entrepreneurial Strategy: Based on Three Perspectives of the New Entrepreneurs of Bride Secretaries, Mentors of Training Centers and Consumers
- 連鎖藥局之服務創新對消費阻礙與購買意願之研究 The Research of the Service Innovation of Pharmacy Chains for Consumption Constraints and Purchase Intentions