台灣社會研究季刊 Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies |
200406 (54期)期所有篇 |
- 醫學、帝國主義與現代性:專題導言 Medicine, Imperialism and Modernity:An Interduction
- 衛生為何不是保衛生命?民國時期另類的衛生、自我、與疾病 Why Weisheng Is Not about Guarding Life? AlternativeConceptions of Hygiene, Self, and Illness in the Republican China
- 熱、神經衰弱與在臺日人——殖民晚期臺灣的精神醫學論述 Tropics,Neurasthenia, and Japanese Colonizers:The Psychiatric Discourses in Late Colonial Taiwan
- 歸檔臺灣醫療:初探醫師書寫的歷史與社會學 When Archives areDis/covered:Understanding the portraiture of Medicine in Taiwan through it's physicians
- 誰的杜聰明?——從科學家的自我書寫出發 Who Is Writing Whose Stories about DuCongming?--Reconsideration of the Contemporary Image of Scientist in Taiwan
- 馬戲團、解剖室、博物館——黑色維納斯在法蘭西帝國 Circus, Dissecting Room,Museum:Black Venus in the French Empire
- 評介「醫學、種族思想與國族認同」 Medicine, Racial Thought and National Identify
- 假名牌、假理論、假全球化 Fake Logos, Fake Theory,Fake Globalization
- 我的野百合——一個1990年三月學運參與者的自我批評 My Wild Lily:Self-Criticism of a Participant in the March 1990 Student Movement
- 渴望「正常資本主義國家」的八天:分析五家日報2004年總統大選後的新聞 Analysing the Press Representations of Post-president Election's Angst in Taiwan,2004