武漢市電子商務物流發展與對策研究 Development and Policy of Electronic Commerce Distribution in Wu-hang City China
職業院校產學研合作教育:興起與發展趨勢 The Rise and Development of University-Industry-Science Cooperative Education of Technical College
兩岸主權概念理論與實務之探討 Theory and Practice on Sovereignty across the Strait
全球化與臺海兩岸互動新思維--檢視臺海兩岸建構的主權與國家認同迷思 Globalization and New Thinking on Cross-Strait Relations:Examining Sovereignty and National Identity Construction across the Taiwan Strait
東協貿易投資法制歷程與困境探討 An Exploration on Liberalization Mechanism of ASEAN Trade and Investment
中日戰略互惠關係的發展與對我國外交的啟示 Progress of Sino-Japan Strategic Relationship and its Implications for Taiwan