中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
201712 (50期)期所有篇 |
- 主編的話-文化脈絡中的危機、轉機與復原力:本土諮商心理學研究的方向、目標與策略 Crisis, Chance, Resilience and Culture Context: Probing into the Direction, Goal and Strategy of Indigenous Counseling Psychology
- 探討不同風險程度的國中生之憂鬱情緒的保護與資源因子 Examining protective and resources factors for depression among junior high school students experiencing different levels of family risk
- 接觸偏差同儕對偏差行為影響關係之理論模式的衡鑑 Evaluating The Theoretical Model for Effects of Associated with Deviant Peer on Individual Deviance
- Bowen自我分化諮商團體於共依附特質傾向青少年之成效與療效因素初探 Effects and Therapeutic Factors of a Counseling Group Based on Bowen's Concept of Differentiation for Adolescents with Codependency in Taiwan
- 害羞、婚姻溝通和婚姻滿意度的相關研究 A Study on The Relationships among Shyness, Marital Communication and Marital Satisfaction
- 國小高年級學童所知覺之父母管教行為與心理社會適應之關聯 The Associations between Perceived Parenting Behavior and Psychosocial Adjustment of Elementary School Students