中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
201708 (49期)期所有篇 |
- 主編的話-後現代思維與第二波正向心理學在諮商的應用 Application of Postmodernism and the Second Wave of Positive Psychology in Counseling
- 團體領導者工作同盟量表編製與相關研究 The Development of Group Counseling Working Alliance Scale:Leader-rated Scale
- 獨樂樂不如眾樂樂:人際關係是影響樂觀解釋風格與幸福感間關係的中介角色 Joy Share with Others Is More Joyful: Interpersonal Relationship as a Mediator between Optimistic Explanatory Style and Well-being
- 成長主題、意義化與台灣成人心理成熟的關聯性初探 A Study on the Relationship among Growth Themes, Meaningfulness, and Psychological Maturity of Taiwanese Adults
- 系統性樂悲觀之建構及其在身心適應之功能 The Construction and Function of Systematic Optimism/Pessimism in Mental Adjustment
- 輔導教師之焦點解決督導員訓練成效研究 The Effects of a Solution-Focused Supervisors’ Training Program for School Counselors